Detergents and laundry detergents
Hygiene products
Textiles and furniture
Food products and confectionary
Construction and decor
Detergents and laundry detergents
The product must not contain any fragrances or substances generally causing sensitisation or irritation. CAS numbers, content levels and the pH value of the washing solution must be declared. If there is no CAS number, the generic name must be declared. The applicant is also required to provide the results of safety tests, along with a safety data sheet and relevant residue studies. If this information is not available, this must be stated in the Allergy Label application. The application must also specify the product’s characteristics, dosage and in the case of a powder laundry detergent, whether the constituents are granulated. A large-grain structure is preferable, i.e. generating the minimum level of dust. The correct dosage must be clearly indicated on the product packaging. For laundry detergent products for washing by hand, the pH must be <10 in both the solution as used and the undiluted product. There is no maximum pH limit for machine washing products.