

1. No smoking

The hotel must be predominantly smoke-free. If the hotel has rooms where smoking is permitted, these must be located in a designated area of the hotel, with adequate air exchange with other areas. Separate cleaning utensils must be used for the cleaning of rooms where smoking is permitted.

2. No pets

If the hotel has rooms where pets are permitted, these must be located in a designated area of the hotel, on one floor only. Separate cleaning utensils must be used for the cleaning of rooms where pets are permitted.

3. Air exchange

  • Air exchange must meet the guideline values for intake and exhaust air flow rates (10 L/s per person and 1 L/s per m2)
  • The air exchange system must be cleaned every 5 years, and regularly maintained
  • The intake air filter must be of at least class F 7
  • The temperature in the rooms must be 21.5°C +-1°C in winter, and <27°C (adjustable) in summer

4. Décor and surface materials

  • Surfaces must have low dust gathering properties, and be easy to clean
  • Décor textiles must be smooth and washable with water
  • Bedclothes must be of good quality, and washable in water at 60°C
  • There must not be any natural indoor plants in the hotel rooms (if available on request, such plants must be suitable for this purpose)
  • Building materials used for new construction or repairs must comply with M1 group requirements

5. Cleaning

  • Detergents and laundry detergents used must be fragrance-free
  • The cleaning utensils used must be clean; vacuum cleaners must be central vacuum cleaning units or vacuum cleaners fitted with a HEPA filter
  • The rooms must be cleaned daily with a moist wiper (according to room occupancy rates)
  • Dust gathering on overhead surfaces should be cleaned as required (half-yearly cleaning recommended)
  • Bedding should be washed according to room occupancy rates (annually)
  • Other décor textiles should be vacuum-cleaned or washed as required (annually)

6. Fragrance-free personal hygiene products: fragrance-free versions of personal hygiene products must be available in bathrooms.

Allergy Label mark applications may be submitted by hotels, bathing establishments, cruise ships and other accommodation facilities offering rooms with a clear allergy profile.  The application should provide detailed data on the criteria for the expert assessment procedure as specified above. The hotel criteria provide a mechanism for enhancing the comfort level of accommodation services to meet the needs of every customer. A hotel that has adopted the above hotel criteria helps to ensure that allergy sufferers too are able to enjoy the travel attractions that Finland has to offer.